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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year everyone! Life is going by quickly and the year has already begun.
I have just returned from Springfield, MO where I said good-by to a dear friend and best friend of my wife Ammie.

Rhona Stanek went to be with the Lord Christmas eve and was buried last Monday. She had been a cancer survivor for many years, but her body was attacked many times in many places. She lived a victorious life in Christ giving her skills and talents to the Lord, His church, and her community.
The day she went to her eternal home her son was in the house sitting in the living room. Her husband Paul and a nurse were in the bed room with Rhona. She looked up at Paul, smiled and then looked off in the distance and took her last breath.

Meanwhile in the living room Chip heard a wind blowing - it was blowing in the house moving the plants even though the doors and windows were closed. The wind went past him toward the bedroom and left behind a glowing cloud that sparkled like star dust. Chip felt that it was an angel and his sister Heidi who had come to take his mother home. Heidi was killed in and accident at 14 years old. After the cloud dissipated, Paul came down the hall to tell Chip that Rhona was with the Lord. Chip said, I know Dad.

The old spiritual song says: " Angels comin' after me, angels comin' after me." The scripture says to be absent from the body for the Christian is to be with the Lord. Even though we will miss being able to see our friend here in this life, we know this life is only the prelude to eternal life together with Christ and all those who have loved and served him throughout the ages.

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