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Sunday, November 15, 2009

2009 Frontier Adventure

What a great weekend we had at the Frontier Adventure. We had 10 new Frontiersmen and 2 new Buckskin advancements take place. Randy (Spider) Henry did devotions for us and David (Red Fox) Craun spoke on "Wind in the Fire" at the Saturday night Council Fire. Thanks to all the officers and staff that made this such a great advent. Not only did the "Greenhorns" complete all the requirements to become Frontiersmen, they also made a "S" hook in the blacksmith shop and completed a blackpowder shooting safety course taught by Lee (Red Dog) Hernandez. Steven "Tender Heart" Boyer did an excellent job on the traps and snares class. Candle did his stuff as Scout to the 10 degree. All the staff presented excellent classes. Eagle Scout as always was superb with keeping the records as our Scribe. Snake Hunter has a great staff and coordinated all the events and instructors well. Special thanks goes to Will "Swamp Rat" Landry and his crew for putting out delicious meals. Everyone worked together well to make it all happen in good order.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Jim Bowie chapter FCF traveled to Missouri for the '09 Territorial Rendezvous held last weekend. Even though it rained hard on Thursday, we had a great time of fellowship and renewed friendships.

Snake Hunter with missionary David Jenkins

Cooking up lunch

Grabbing a snack

More cooking

"Twiggy" in front of the Buckskinners store
"Two Forks" in his smithy
Flint Knapping
Knife throwing
Hawk throwing
"White Dove" in front of his lodge
"Copper Head" showing his creations
The Luna guys chilling out
Jim Bowie campers at Rendezvous