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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Instructor Certification and Leadership Training

The last weekend of March was leadership training time here in Louisiana Rangers. We had three new leaders who qualified to become instructors of the leadership training for Ranger leaders. William and Rebecca Harper and Dale Landry. District Training Coordinator Alton Foster, District Commander David Craun, and Deputy District Training Coordinator Lee Hernandez headed up the seminar.

Not only did they three become new instructors, we had leaders from all across Louisiana who renewed their instructor status and others who assisted in conducting the training seminar.
Along with the Instructor Certification Seminar, we conducted leadereship training modules for Ranger Basics, Discipleship I and II, Successful Outpost, and Discovery/Adventure Rangers Activities. All in all it was a successful time of equipping this generation of leaders to go back and prepare the next generation of boys to become leaders.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lafayette Section meeting

The Ranger Leader in the Lafayette section came together Tuesday night March 24 to hear from Commander Craun on the updates he shared from his recent trip to the national Royal Rangers Council in Springfield, MO.
Commander Craun shared about the new upcoming on-line chartering starting in August of this year and also the on-line curriculum that will be offered soon. More details will be given to certified leaders this weekend at the Instructors Certification Seminar.
You know Louisiana guys eat most of the time we get together and the Lafayette section was no exception. Thanks to all those who helped make this event the great success it was.

enjoy the pics

Friday, March 20, 2009

National RR Council from where I sit

The 2009 National Royal Rangers Council began with me attending the new National Directors round table. Yes, that is what we are being called now - District Commanders now have the title of "district director". Some of the key note speakers were Doug Marsh - national RR director, Harry Hunt - newly elected council president and the Assistant General Superintendent for the Assemblies of God Alton Garrison. Not pictured was also a visit for the Assemblies of God top man Rev. George Wood. All of these guys were highly encouraging to us all.

The next day found about 400 organizational leaders from all over the country together learning about the great dynamics taking place to implement all the improvements in our mission to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of boys. One of the key concepts is that Royal Rangers is a MENtoRRing ministry. We carry out our purpose through interacting with and dynamically coming into the world of a boy in a way that will cause them to want to come into adulthood as a godly man who loves his Lord.

The theme of the silver eagle celebration was "our heroes". We had a lot of fun as district directors who were caped with our red hero shield and mantled with our black mask.

Rev. Doug Clay challenged us at the silver eagle celebration with his moving testimony of how as a boy whose father died when he was 9 felt sorry for the other boys who had only one father, because his Royal Rangers leaders helped him learn what it meant to be loved by God.