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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Imagine Christmas outreach

Merry Christmas to all.

Christmas is "the most wonderful time of the Year." This was the theme for the "Imagine Christmas" outreach hosted by Hosanna Assemblies of God in Morrero, LA.
Louisiana Rangers provided the outdoor games enjoyed by hundreds of kids in the greater New Orleans area who came to the event. It was a great experience with a great church and pastor and wife - George & Sonya McLean.
Ammie and I never get too old to enjoy a trip to the North Pole and stop in to visit Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause.

We were reminded of the Royal Rangers outreach at the Baton Rouge State Fair we spear headed many years ago before I became district commander. We love watching families have a great time while we present the love of Jesus through our lives and written word.

I was given the opportunity to minister this morning at Hosanna where I preached on "The Manifestations of Inexpressible Joy." The message of the angels was "Joy to the World" because the Lord has come. It is Joy unspeakable and full of glory. Living for Christ is indeed the happiest way to live. The joy runs so deep it can not be completely explained.

Enjoy the pics

David L. Craun
Louisiana District Royal Rangers Commander

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Executive Staff Meeting

Our Louisiana Rangers Executive staff met this weekend. Friday night the committee on development of a Louisiana Ranger of the Year program met to bridge the lack of anything offered from the national office. We will be working on guidelines that will be announced right after the first of next year and will be listed on the 2009 LARR CD which will be in the charter packets and given out to ministers who pastor our Ranger based churches. Loren Klein stayed over for the staff meeting to be our recorder of the meeting minutes.

We are blessed to have such an outstanding staff for Louisiana. Some wonderful creative ideas were placed on the table and will be implemented as the year develops. We will be sharing them with commanders in January at the Regional meetings we will be scheduling and later at the end of February at the Leaders Conference.

I am adding a photo of the group where we met at my home.

Merry Christmas

David L. Craun

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

David Jenkins' visit

Hi, I am at my office with missionary associate David Jenkins assigned to Royal Rangers International. David is going to be our FCF Trace speaker for Saturday night. He is traveling in the south right now raising support for his call to work in the international side of Rangers.

You learn more about David's ministry by going to I am attaching a photo of us at my office.

I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

David L. Craun